Writing Samples
CiboDivino Website: https://www.cibodivinomkt.com/blog-detail/new-featured-wines-by-the-kellerei-bozen-winery
Archived Articles on The Roaming Ramekins Blog from January 2015 through December 2018. Find here: http://www.theroamingramekins.com/blog
“Exhibition // New World Order: Patricia Reed at Zhulong Gallery” (Features). Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, November 28, 2014.
“In-Depth Look at Buenos Aires: A Dream for Street Artists,” Texas Women’s Caucus for Art Newsletter (Summer 2014): 2. May 2014
“Exhibition // Bettina Pousttchi’s Drive-Thru Museum at the Nasher Sculpture Center” (Features). Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, May 08, 2014.
“Exhibition // Walking through a painted ephemeral land: Katharina Grosse at the Nasher Sculpture Center” (Features). Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, June 21, 2013.
“On-the-Road Series: Artist Studio Visit, Noah Becker,” Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, March 8, 2011.
“On-the-Road Series: Artist Studio Visit, Romeo Alaeff,” co-authored with Monica Salazar Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, February 28, 2011.
“On-the-Road Series: Artist Studio Visit, Ultra Violet,” co-authored with Monica Salazar, Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, February 22, 2011.
“On-the-Road Series: Artist Studio Visit, Donna Huanca,” co-authored with Anna Russ, Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, February 7, 2011.
“On-the-Road Series: Artist Studio Visit, Jose Lerma,” co-authored with Monica Salazar, Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, January 18, 2011.
“Breaking Windows & During Office Hours,” Berlin Art Link, http://www.berlinartlink.com/magazine, October 22, 2010.
Archived Articles on art:SAGE blog from …. from January 2010 through January 2012. Find here: http://art-sage.blogspot.com/